Saturday, February 1, 2014

Week Three - Part One

This week was a rough one for me. On Monday, I woke up with a horrible head cold and cough but had to suck it up and head into work because it was the first day of my new promotion. I trucked through each day of work and still found the energy to do yoga once I got home. I hoped that sticking through the workouts would help me sweat out some of this sickness, but it is now the end of the week and I STILL have this head cold and cough. I have noticed that I've had a sense of calm throughout the week though when normally I would have very high anxiety. I really think this is one of the effects yoga is having on me and it is truly amazing. Gio is now one week away from his next MMA fight so he's been cutting weight, training three times a day and doing yoga with me at night. He's noticed the impact yoga is having on his flexibility because he can now throw a really great head-kick that he wasn't able to do before. We've both noticed this increase in flexibiliy as well as balance. During weeks one and two we were always falling all over the place and had a lot of trouble keeping our balance but now we are able to move through all of the sequences without falling nearly as much if not at all. It's really great because now we can flow through all of the yoga sequences swiftly which makes the workouts even more enjoyable.

This week, our favorite Ultimate Yogi workout was Detox. With me being so sick, and also  having some back tension, this class was literally my savior. All of the moves throughout the class are meant to twist your spine in every which direction while also causing you to sweat A LOT. The feeling after this class is indescribable, but tomorrow I will go more in-depth into the class, show some pictures of our favorite spinal twists, do my weekly weigh in to let you know how much weight I've lost, and let you know where Gio stands on his 20 pound weight cut for his fight next week. 

~ Namaste ~

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