Sunday, February 16, 2014

Week 5 - Part One

This week, is the last and final week of the first cycle of The Ultimate Yogi! Gio and I cannot believe how fast time has gone by and how much this workout has changed us. We are eagerly awaiting cycle two. This week, Part One of Week Five, I am going to focus on how this workout has impacted us as well as get into what will be changing going into cycle two. Next week in my "Part Two" post, I will sum up our final week of the cycle, focus in on our favorite class of the week, and provide stats and pics on how our bodies have changed now that the first cycle is complete.

Gio and I have both noticed changes in ourselves from doing this workout. We are able to find our calm throughout the stress, and grab onto the light in the darkness. We even feel a closeness to each other from going through this together. After class, we often find ourselves playing around with our new strength and flexibility by trying out new poses that are way beyond our reach as of yet. To keep us inspired and motivated, I decided to make us a board of inspiration to hang in our yoga room to always remind is to keep pushing and digging deeper. Here's a peek at how it came out:

yoga inspiration ultimate yogi flexible

It really excites us that one day, we will accomplish some of these amazing yoga poses. But we know that before reaching the top of the mountain, we have to go through that uphill trek. Our next step on the way to becoming Ultimate Yogi's, is cycle two of the program. With this new cycle, comes some new classes which we are really looking forward to. The new class schedule will be as follows:

3. Flexibility and HardCORE
4. Gentle
5. Detox and HardCORE
6. Cardio

We are going to miss our CrossTrain, Yin, and Vitality classes but are excited to face Balance, Flexibility, and Gentle yoga to help bring us to the next level. This 108 day journey has been way more amazing than I could've ever imagined, and we both cannot wait to enter phase two of the program.

~ "All problems are illusions of the mind" ~
Eckhart Tolle


  1. I like your Board of Inspiration! I am starting on Day 1 today, I just got the DVDs! I wish I could get my boyfriend to do yoga with me...he only likes to go to the gym.

    1. He should try it! My boyfriend is an MMA fighter and is constantly working out. He was skeptical at first, but now he loves it and has worked it into his daily routine. He sweats like crazy and said he's working muscles that he didn't even know he had! It's also doing wonders for his flexibility. I would definitely try to get him to try out at least one class. I'm sure he will love it :)
